Erectile Dysfunction
Treating ED can be as easy as seeing your provider every 6 months to renew an Rx, or require a blended injection medication to be made custom for you, as well as require special training.
Weight Loss
Our weight loss plans include everything the patients need to succeed including medications, dieting, supplies, and training. All visits are included in each program. GLP shots have quickly become the most popular for their effectiveness. Evaluation required.
Urgent Care
For people who do not have a primary doctor, or are in between doctors, we offer limited primary care for selective services including colds/flus, refilling current meds, and blood workups.
*Custom Priced
Performance Medicine memberships are custom priced due to the needs of each individual. This can include building muscle, recovering from injury, sexual dysfunctions and even rare disease care. We will evaluate each prospective patient on a case by case basis.
Is there a contract?
There is no contract when joining a MedClub® Membership. You may cancel at any time for any reason. A titration schedule will be given if needed at the time of cancellation. Cancellation can be done by phone or email before the next billing cycle occurs.
What if I already have blood work?
Patients with existing labs no more than 3 months old may bring their labs to their initial consultation and receive $150 off. Call us to find out if your labs have the panels we require to consult.
How do you decide if I need this?
We take a functional approach, we incorporate labs, medical history, your lifestyle, diet, mental health, and goals into account when making decisions. Each patient is unique, as are their concerns and goals. We take a custom approach to each one utilizing many modalities, advice, or meds.
Are the refills expensive?
This really depends on the dosage and type of meds used (shot/cream/tablet). A typical 10 week vial costs roughly $70-99 at most pharmacies, while a custom sublingual tablet may cost around $60/month
How to I transfer from another provider?
The initial exam, full hormone blood workup, training, consultation, and first month for new TRT patients is $300. The only extra cost aside from this visit is the medication cost at the pharmacy. Pickup and Delivery of meds is available in most cases.
How long do patients stay on TRT?
In most cases, men whose total T has decreased will not naturally increase with time although serious lifestyle adjustments can change natural levels. Testosterone can be taken long term safely if the proper management techniques are applied, addressing negative feedback loops.